Breathwork ❂ Energy Healing ❂ Transformation
Welcome to Darlin’ Breathe
I’m Lauren and I’m so excited you are here!
I’m a Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator (certified by Owaken Breathwork) now open for new and returning clients and WOW, I am so lit up and inspired by this work. I could not be more grateful to share it with you. I did my first ever Breathwork journey in December 2021 and honestly it’s still difficult to put into words the growth and shifts I’ve stepped powerfully into.
One of my favourite areas Breathwork has changed my life in is self expression, and really letting go of limiting beliefs that can be programmed into us as humans to keep us in a societal box. I’m passionate about creativity, travel, learning, singing and music, and empowering others. You can find out a little more about me here.
Working with me will be a journey we embark on together BUT you hold all they keys and are your own healer. You will be in the drivers seat and I’ll be here to cheer you on, to hold your hand (if needed), and to hold the light while you find and brighten your very own shine.
Lots of love x
What is Breathwork? I hear you say.
Breathwork is a somatic healing modality which harnesses the power of your own breath to tap into your subconscious programming. Through the innate intelligence of the BodyMind system, one breath at a time, stagnant and stuck energies can be unblocked, trauma can be given a safe space to be processed, released and transformed for the highest good.